Pyr 5,6, 638
Pyridine, 205
Pyridinium, 889
Pyridinium ring, 181
Pyridinolone, 179
Pyridoxal phosphate, 107, 337, 338,
Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent
enzymes, 338
Pyridoxic acid, 917
Pyridoxine, 916
Pyridoxine (vitamin BQ, 916
Pyrilamine, 24
Pyrimethamine, 617
Pyrimidine analogues, 641
Pyrimidine biosynthesis
regulation, 641
Pyrimidine metabolism
abnormalities, 644
Pyrimidine nucleotides
biosynthesis, 637
catabolism, 643
formation, 639
Pyrimidine starvation, 636
Pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase, 303
Pyrimidines, 508
Pyrogallol, 673
Pyroglutamic aciduria, 335
Pyroglutamyl residue, 203
Pyrophosphatase, 284
Pyruvate, 236
Pyruvate carboxylase, 276, 279, 280
Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, 240, 282
Pyruvate decarboxylase, 236
Pyruvate dehydrogenase, 237, 339
Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity
regulation of, 239
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, 110,
236, 238, 240
abnormalities of, 240
Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase, 239
Pyruvate kinase, 232, 233, 235, 280, 303
Pyruvate metabolism, 235
Quality plant proteins, 332
Quaternary structure of proteins, 58
Quinolinate, 276
R (relaxed) state of ATCase, 113
R-groups of amino acids, 31
Rabies, 35
Racemization, 107, 156
Radiographic contrast agents, 26
se e
Radioreceptor assay, 105
Ragged red fiber (MERRF) disease, 269
Ragged red skeletal muscle fibers, 269
Raloxifene, 797, 798
Random single-displacement reaction, 92
Random X-chromosome inactivation, 303
Ranitidine, 24, 205
Ras, 610
Ras gene, 720
RAS-mediated activation,
8 8 6
Ras p21 binds, 610
Ras proteins, 495
Rate constant,
k ,
zero-order, 75
Rate equation,
8 8
Rate-limiting step, 109
zero-order, 75, 76
Reaction rates
effect of concentration on,
8 8
methods of altering, 67
Reactions of TCA cycle, 241
Reactive site residue, 850
Reannealing (renaturation) of DNA, 528
Hr and H2-receptor antagonists, 205
H2-receptor antagonists, 205
Receptor mediated endocytosis, 679
Receptor-mediated endocytosis, 169, 186
H, receptors, 205
Recombinant DNA (rDNA), 35, 272, 531
Recombinant DNase (pulmozyme), 222
Recombinant gelsolin, 222
Recombination repair, 558
Recommended daily allowance, 903
Recommended Dietary Allowance
(RDA), 80
Recommended dietary fiber intake, 151
Red blood cells, 159, 164, 335, 852
agglutination, 194
fibrin, 842
ghosts (specters), 164
senescent, 169
Red cell survival, 655
Redox (oxidation-reduction) reactions, 72
Reducing agent, 73
Reducing equivalents, 247
Reducing-equivalent transport and
oxygen-consuming systems, 270
Reductant, 73
5a-reductase, 704, 707, 757
5a-reductase deficiency, 787
Reduction, 72
Reduction of pyruvate to lactase, 233
Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions, 247
Refilling of the A site, 577
Refsum’s disease, 374
Regulates /1-catenin, 612
translational, 608
Regulation of formation of AMP and GMP
from IMP, 626
Regulation of glycogen metabolism, 286
Regulation of iron utilization, 607
Regulation of kinase, 720
Regulation of spermatogenesis:
sertoli-neuroendocrine axis, 782
Regulation of the TCA cycle, 245
Regulator of G-protein signaling protein
(RGS), 713
Regulatory enzymes, 109
Regulons, 599
heat shock (high temperature
protection), 599
SOS, 599
Relaxed (R) state of ATCase, 113
Relaxin, 702, 794
Remodeling, 875
Remodeling and spacing factor, 601
Renal (clear cell), von Hippel Lindau
syndrome, 612
Renal effects, 765
Renal osteodystrophy, 882
Renal papillae, 139
Renal tubular acidosis, 9
Renal tubule cells, 9
Renal tubules, 278
Renal urinary system, 765
Renaturation (reannealing) of DNA, 528
Renin release
regulation, 754
Renin, an, 753
Renin-angiotensin system, 753
Repaglinide, 514
Repair of DNA
general mechanisms, 557
SOS repair, 557
Repetitive DNA Sequences, 530
Replicase, 548, 553
Replication, 547
problems, 546
Replication at the ends of
chromosomes, 555
Replication fork, 546, 552
Replication-deficient adenoviruses, 222
Replicative senescence, 555
Replicons, 546, 547, 548
Reproductive (androgenic) effects, 787
Reproductive system, 778, 781
Residue, 17
Resonance forms of ADP, 74
Respiratory acidosis, 936
Respiratory alkalosis, 937
Respiratory burst, 271,304
Respiratory burst oxidase, 271
Respiratory chain, 257
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